Saturday, October 13, 2018

This area of petrified wood is by the office at the OK RV Park in Holbrook, AZ.  You can see fields of this stuff everywhere, which seems surprising to me.  I would have thought it was protected.

Above is the Welcome to Holbrook statue near the turnoff to the Petrified Forest.  That's a cowboy on top, in case you were wondering.

We stopped off at this tourist trap store that specialized in petrified wood, fossils from the area and other minerals, Jim Gray's Petrified Wood Co.  It was truly an education.
This was by the front door.  There were acres of petrified wood stumps outside and inside were many tables, pedestals and other objects that had been sliced and/or highly polished.

The waterfall was all made of the wood and was inside.

We bought a few rock souvenirs for the grand kids and got a free half pound of petrified wood for visiting the store with a coupon we got at the RV park.  We got to pick out our own half pound rock from a pile at the side of the store.  A new experience.

Near the place where we ate lunch we passed the Wigwam Motel.  Every room was a separate wigwam and most rooms had a vintage car parked out front.  Very Route 66.

This was by the side of the lunch place which was called Trina Bops Cakery and Coffee.  We had nice paninis, chicken and pesto for me and ham and cheese for Gary.
After lunch we visited the Navajo County Historical Society Museum which was originally the courthouse.  Very interesting, especially the jail which was shipped intact by rail from St. Louis in 1898.

There was also a jail cell outside the main door.
Gary refused to pose inside it for me.

The Pony Express was represented as was the hat collection and bedroom of a local woman who served at the courthouse for many years. 
This is a view of the Little Colorado River nearly dry riverbed.  The bed is quite wide and the city of Holbrook has flooded before but there isn't any fear of that right now.

We have had a fly in the RV we think since Oregon.  We have named it Sly the Fly and it has become an unwanted pet.  I have a fly swatter but I have no talent with it.  I looked up the life-span of a fly and it looks like we have about 10 days to go.

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