Sunday, October 21, 2018


This morning was our last in Texas and we learned something.  While looking for Meet the Press or Face the Nation on TV, we found only two choices on local stations, church or cowboys.  I don't want to get political here, but what does this tell us?

Driving past unexpected cotton fields on I-40, we saw a rest area decorated with Texas star cut-outs.  Quite nice.

Then we saw a leaning water tower with Britten painted on it. It looked like it would topple over before too long.  Sorry for the bad picture.
Outside of Groom, TX we saw a huge cross.  When I Googled it I saw the sculptures that couldn't be seen from the highway depicting the crucifixion.  Worth a look, if you're interested. 

We arrived in Elk City, OK in the early afternoon.  O.K.L.A.H.O.M.A!!!  OK!  Sorry, I couldn't help myself.  You know how I love Broadway!

We're staying at Rt. 66 RV Park which has actual trees and grass.  The pups are happy.

1 comment:

  1. So tickled for Jazzy now that she can travel unsedated. She is such a funny little gal. Give her a snuggle from me Bum
