On our way to Holbrook, AZ today we saw a sign warning against drunk driving. It said
Route 40 follows the approximate path of historic Route 66. There are lots of interesting things to see.
This was an abandoned store with a Native American theme. The dome had a Mohawk "hairdo" and there were teepees all around it.From the road we could see the edges of the Meteor Crater, which is exactly what it says it is.
We took a little detour through Winslow, AZ to see the statue of the guy standing on the corner by the flatbed Ford. It was hard to get any good pictures because so many tourists were there. We don't know the people who are standing with the guy.
Across the street was an interesting sculpture but I have no idea of its significance. We are staying at OK RV Park which has everything we need but is very flat, desert-like and stark. We came in on Roadrunner Dr., so I was hoping to see another bird but we are parked on Diamondback St. and I think I am much more likely to see a snake.
Love the flatbed Ford in Winslow! Brilliant!! Slowed down to take a look, huh? Love the Hammered/Nailed warning. Drunk people probably don't quite have the cognitive wherewithal to understand. Please avoid them!!