Wednesday, July 6, 2016

This was a no-driving day.  We took our time getting ready this morning, did a little grocery shopping and relaxed.

The woods seem familiar here.  The humidity smacks you in the face but otherwise, this campground is very pleasant.  My counselor at summer camp in the early 1960s, Button, taught Nature Lore and one of the things we learned were the names of trees from their leaves.  Every time I see sassafras I think of her.  It is a plant with three distinct types of leaves, the one lobed leaf is called a sock, the two lobed leaf is a mitten and the three lobed leaf is a glove.
This evening we visited with our niece, Sarah, her husband Scott, father John and kids Zach and Drea.  We were lucky enough to see the new home they closed on today and have dinner in a lovely restaurant called Madrone in Frederick, MD.  We don't see each other nearly enough so this was a great treat.

Today was also Gary's birthday and it was nice to celebrate with family.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Gary!!! For sure it's the perfect day to kick back and relax. And have cake. Gotta have cake!!!!
