Friday, July 8, 2016

It is so hot and humid in the D.C. area that mushrooms are spontaneously growing along the roads in the RV park.  Some of them are quite pretty.

We had lunch today, again at Fireside, with Karen B. and Marilyn L. who were teachers with me at Robert E. Lee High School in Springfield, VA before we moved to Oregon.  It was just like no time had gone by at all.  We caught up and gossiped about former students until poor Gary's eyes were rolling back in his head.  Actually, he was very good about it but I have to give him a hard time.

We did a little shopping after lunch and then back to the trailer to walk Baby and take a little nap.  Ahhh!  The good life!


  1. You're awesome, Gary--a good man!

  2. You're awesome, Gary--a good man!

  3. Eye rolling is good muscle exercise. Keeps your vision healthy. You know, probably. Naps, too.
