We drove to Independence, MO today and toured the Truman Museum. It was very well done.
I knew that Harry Truman had a sign on his desk that said The Buck Stops Here, but I never knew that the side facing the President said I'm From Missouri. In other words, Show Me! The replica of Truman's Oval Office was very interesting. I learned that he changed the Presidential Seal. The eagle on the seal is holding olive branches for peace in one claw and arrows for war in the other claw. Before Truman, the eagle's face was pointing toward the arrows and he had it changed so the eagle faced peace. It remains that way today. This is a view of the inner courtyard where Harry and Bess Truman are buried, near the flag. This is a display of tiny airplanes on the ceiling of the room that spoke about the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There were also excellent displays discussing McCarthyism, civil rights advances and the Korean War.
After we left the Museum, we went to lunch and after that we drove by the artistic and fanciful spire of the Church of Latter Day Saints in Independence. They have a prayer session for peace every day there that anyone can attend.
It was great to meet and spend some time with both of you. jerry B