Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Nancy and I took the three pups back to the park in Spanish Springs today.  It is beautifully maintained and has pretty views and benches so people can sit and enjoy them.

In the evening we went to a dinner show where a duo called Dawn and Dunning impersonated famous singers like Cher, Elvis, Lady Gaga and Elton John.  They did a good job.

I made an important discovery online today.  Plain toothpaste, not gel, works to make fire ant bites stop itching.  I finally had a good night's sleep.  Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Even though you are thought of daily, I just getting caught up on all your adventures and saying hi. The South seems to have something for everyone -- food, music, art, GOLF. Sounds like you and Gary are having a ball and that the pups are bearing up well. I liked the story about their photo shoot with the Japanese tourists. I am sorry you are being munched on by all the various bugs. I was going to write that that sucks, but it could be mistaken for a pun and I am not a punster. Stay well, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. XOXOXOXO
