Saturday, November 10, 2018

After we passed miles and miles of chopped down trees and piles of wood chips in the median on I-95 in Jasper County, SC I looked it up online to see what it meant.  Evidently, this was a 30 mile stretch of highway known as the Coffin Corridor because people who accidentally left the highways were killed when they crashed into the trees.  Normally, their cars would have come to a rest without injuries but the trees themselves were the hazard.  This was a 10 million dollar safety project.

On our way from Charleston, SC to Jacksonville, FL we made a pit stop at the Georgia Welcome Center.  I went inside and Gary walked the dogs.  He finished walking Jazzy and put her into the truck and then picked up Baby.  She was a star.  In a minute, they were surrounded by a group of Chinese tourist ladies who wanted to take selfies with them.  It was hilarious!

After they took these pictures they posed in front of the Welcome to Georgia sign to document their experience.  They were on their way to Florida and a Caribbean cruise.

We arrived in JAX and went to see sister, Janis.  On our way to her we saw an oyster bar named Aw, Shucks!!

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