Discovery of the day!!! Baby's frequent coughing spells, for which the vet can find no cause except that I got water up her nose during a bath a week ago, can be quelled by having her lick a honey-lemon cough drop!!! I am so thrilled that there is something we can do and that the "cure" lasts for several hours. I have been really stressed about her, even though she has never acted sick.
Today we headed for Tonopah, NV which is halfway between Reno and Las Vegas. The area is desert everywhere you look. On the way we passed through Hawthorne, NV where there is an army base, many, many bunkers in the sand, old barracks and many sections of the highway, ALT 95, dedicated to veterans. Some areas were dedicated to WW 1 Vets, Vietnam Vets and Veterans of the Global War on Terror.
We also passed the Wild Cat Brothel near Mina, NV, There was a sign out front that said truckers were welcome.
This town was a silver mining mecca back in the day. There are many representations of the era in and around the Tonopah Station Casino and RV Park.
Inside the Casino are some displays of period costumes and a replica bench.
Here is the TrailBayser parked behind the Casino in the RV Park. We are lucky we got a spot here because they don't take reservations, it is first come, first served. Scary.
Tonopah is supposed to be the best place in the continental U.S. to see the stars. It is pretty windy tonight but we are going to venture outside and see what we can see.
The place looks like whole lot of desert with not much else. I guess that means there are few diversions from the casino. I am so glad you found a remedy for Baby's cough -- even if it's temporary. And she LIKES lemon drops? Are you sure she's a dog? Hope the stars came out for you, nice and bright.