Last night we stayed in Hickory Hollow Campground in Utica, Illinois. It had been a long day so we didn't feel like unhitching the car to go find dinner. That was when I discovered that you can order pizza to be delivered to your campsite!! Who knew?
We have seen so many huge blades for wind turbines traveling up and down the interstates. They each take a super-sized truck. Wonder where they all end up.
There is an actual city named What Cheer, Iowa.
We crossed the Mississippi yesterday on our way to Utica. Milestone.
Did you know that there are FIVE cities in the Quad Cities? They are Davenport, Bettendorf, Moline, Rock Island and East Moline. Math, anyone?
In Elkhart, IN they have painted elk statues. Add that to the cowboy boots, bears, mermaids, etc. we have seen in our travels.
We saw a cigarette store called the Butt Hut. No comment.
You have absolutely no idea how many hundreds, maybe thousands, of miles are planted in corn. It is stunning!!
Here is a wooden train on the playground at Circle B Campground where we will be for two nights. It is very nice here and it will be relaxing to have a break from driving tomorrow. Of, course, there will be laundry, etc. to catch up on. Oh, well.
I remember a long-ago trip across the midwest (me as kid with parents), and it seemed like an endless swath cut through tall-tall corn, couldn't see anything else. That's when we played guessing games or fell asleep. Or my sister punched me, squabbling ensued and the parents threatened to put us out in the corn fields. Lotta corn, yup!