Saturday, February 7, 2015

Last night we stayed at the Valencia Travel Rv Park after fighting the wind down I-5.  We saw lots of tumbleweeds, again but this time they were larger. We also saw a whole orchard plowed up, all the fruit trees lying on their sides, presumably because of the drought.  It was a terrible sight.

Now we have made our way to the Riviera RV Resort (and I use the term Resort very loosely) on the banks of the Colorado River.  This is one of the last stops in California.  We will pass into Arizona early tomorrow. 

An interesting sight today was a sign just before the exit for a state penitentiary warning people not to pick up any hitchhikers.  Sounded like good advice to me.


  1. Sounds like a fun trip! (minus the windy drives). Love following the route with you!

    1. Not certain how this works. By "replying" am I doing so to you or to FOXYLADY575? Does it even matter? Anyhoo, cold, rainy and blustery here today. You're not missing anything (except the aforementioned). Enjoying the accounts of your travels. Keep it up. I've seen Lake Shasta when it was really depleted in 1977 after a 7-year drought. Floating docks waaaayyy waaaaayyyyy down at the bottom - hundreds of feet. Hard to imagine it could ever come back. Love ya!
