Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I'm honestly starting to get a little fuzzy about where we are and what day of the week it is.  I just looked at the info sheet for our current RV park and it is called Southern Star RV Park in Van Horn, TX.  Where is that, you may ask.  Well, it is past El Paso.  That's all I know.  Speaking of El Paso, it has the loveliest highway art.  The overpasses and pedestrian bridges are all decorated in patterns in keeping with the Southwest and they have done a very good job.  Portland should take a lesson from them.
We ran into more thorns in the pups' paws today and Baby had such a fit that Gary had to restrain her while we pulled one out with needle-nose pliers.  I looked them up last night and they are called goats head thorns.  One of the locals said they are carried on tumbleweeds but I don't think that is the only source.  I hope we will be away from their area very soon.  Dudley has had about 10 of them in his little paws.
Today we traveled on part of I-10 where the speed limit was 80!!  But not for us.  We can only go about 60.  There is another "wind event" going on right now and Gary was fighting it most of today.  It is especially hard to steer and to stay in the lane when it is gusting.
We had to stop at a border patrol inspection station out in the middle of nowhere today.  All vehicles had to stop.  They asked us if we were U.S. citizens and then waved us on.  The people in the car in front of us had to produce some sort of papers.
Tomorrow will be a long drive to Junction, TX because there are no RV parks much closer.  We are trying to do about 250 miles a day and get settled for the evening while it is still daylight.  This will be a bit longer.


  1. Keep on truckin'. Your doing great. Most informative blog. George Green says he thinks you're a great writer. Doesn't get much better than that.

  2. Keep on truckin'. Your doing great. Most informative blog. George Green says he thinks you're a great writer. Doesn't get much better than that.
