Tuesday, January 8, 2019


We hit 9000 miles driven today.  I have been lazy about writing and I apologize.  It gets more difficult when we are visiting places we have been before.

Our friends, Al Stewart and Ann Clayton live in Palm Springs today but not tomorrow.  We were lucky we got to see them for dinner before they closed on their new home in Buckeye, AZ.  They squeezed us in between their Panama Canal cruise and moving.

The photos above were on the way to Bakersfield, CA where we stayed last night. We didn't unhitch the truck so we had dinner in the RV.

These photos are difficult to see but they are of hundreds of airplanes lined up in an Airplane Boneyard in the Mojave Desert.  Most of them are retired but a few are rehabilitated and go back into service.

Orange Grove RV Park in Bakersfield is exactly what is suggested by its name and we were encouraged to pick the oranges in the park.  It was a good thing we picked a few because there was a mighty windstorm last night and lots of oranges were blown off of the trees.  We also had a big collection of tumbleweed around the Airstream this morning.

Tonight and tomorrow night we are in Chowchilla, CA.  This place is known for three things, a prison, this beautiful RV park which is right on a golf course, and a nearby Starbucks.  What else is there to say?

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